Saturday, March 22, 2014

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.

    We Were Liars
We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Random House, 2014. Young Adult

I grew up an only child in rural East Texas.  Stories about wealthy families who have lots of cousins and spend summers on their own private island are great summer fantasies for me. So when the trailer and all the pre-publicity about this book started, I thought to myself, "I am in!" It turns out this is one wild ride. With a May, 2014 publication date, the timing is perfect. Grab a copy and  put this one in your beach bag and enjoy.

The narrator is Cady Sinclair, the oldest grandchild. Readers may suspect from the title that she will not be a completely reliable storyteller. Add migraines that totally incapacitate Cady, a summer she cannot remember, and whispered conversations of others to that mix. Too much detail would give away the things that make the book work. Just read it!