Monday, April 13, 2015

Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson.

                                Adult nonfiction.

Since Erik Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts was one of my neighborhood  book group’s favorite books, I was eager to read Dead Wake. Larson writes nonfiction that pulls readers in and with so many details that readers think they  are there . He teaches history without pain and fuss!  Dead Wake builds like the drama it is. Larson’s extensive research provides names and details about many of the ship’s passengers. One chapter tells exactly what life in a submarine was like. Readers see the grieving President Woodrow Wilson as he finds a new love and woos Edith. While the United States learns of German attacks across the Atlantic, it does not actually enter the war until two years after the attack on the Lusitania. The sinking of the huge ship carrying so many American, so many families and children, and, yes, so many munitions definitely changed the course of the war and America’s role in it. Larson tells human interest details as well as the details of troops, the British Admiralty, and German submarine movements. Especially interesting are the final pages of extensive bibliography references and citations. While he admits that he is a writer, not an expert on World War I history, Larson’s focused expertise serves him well in this suspenseful and dramatic account about which so many Americans know very little.

Many thanks to  Blogging for Books from whom I received this book in exchange for reviewing it.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Stillwater by Nicole Helget

    Stillwater by Nicole Helget.
                                          Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014. Adult Fiction.

  Clement and Angel are born as twins, but live very different lives. Clement, a sickly boy, grows up in the local orphanage. Angel, the girl baby, is adopted by one of the wealthiest couples in Stillwater. Life for neither is easy.
  In this historical fiction, the mid 1800’s in the Minnesota area come alive through the adventures of  characters including a trapper, a nun, a Native American woman, and the twin children.  Rich with history, detail, heartbreak, humor, survival, and longings for love, the journeys of these early settlers grabs readers and brings us along for the unforgettable ride.
  The sentences are finely crafted, if sometimes quite lengthy. The research she must have done on trapping, medical care, and  clothing paid off richly in the believable details. The voices of the different characters ring true in the ways that she portrays their dialogs.  The book is laugh-out-loud funny in several places. I particularly enjoyed the running joke about Texas being annexed and the trappers not knowing the meaning of "annexed", but thinking it sounded both interesting and terrible!

  Five years of living with these characters may seem like a long time, but one reading is much too short.  Hopefully, Ms. Helget will continue writing! Check out her previous award winning works, The Turtle Catcher and a memoir, The Summer of Ordinary Ways.