Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Titanic Sisters: A Novel by Patricia Falvey

  The Titanic Sisters: A Novel by Patricia Falvey. Kensingon Books, 2021. Adult historical fiction. 

Sisters Nora and Delia Sweeney have grown up in Donegal, Ireland. Delia is her mother's favorite while Nora works hard with their father. When the opportunity of a lifetime comes as a first class ticket to America and a chance to be a governess for a widower's young daughter, Ma, of course, chooses Delia to go. But, Da trades the ticket in for TWO steerage tickets so that both girls can go and arranges for faithful Nora to become a maid. And, of course, it is on a huge new ship, The HMS Titanic.

Titanic fanatics will find that only a very short part of the novel is about the ship's sailing and disaster. The sisters lose each other in the hectic rush. Nora thinks Delia has died and seizes the opportunity to take the governess position. Delia has lost her memory, but is very much alive.

From there, it's a story of will they/won't they find each other. Texas is a major setting and its character Mayflower provides a whole new perspective. Neiman Marcus shopping is involved! The movement to get women the vote receives mention. Drilling for oil is an important component to the later story. The chapters switch back and forth, identified by the name of the sister whose story is being told at that point. Finding love, reuniting family and smoothing out differences, and young women finding independence all are themes. If you enjoy romance and historical novels, check out other titles by the author.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Grandmother Plot by Caroline B. Cooney

  The Grandmother Plot: A Novel by Caroline B. Cooney. Sourcebooks: Poisoned Pen Press, 2021. Adult fiction, mystery.

Middletown Memory Care facility is the typical facility for aging seniors who have mental health problems. Freddy's grandmother is a white haired  little old lady and he loves her. His sisters live many miles away and his mother has died so Freddy is in charge. Freddy has questionable friends who may be drug dealers, he makes an iffy living from blowing glass beads and pipes, and he survives illegally claiming his dead mother's Social Security in his grandparents' aging home. Let's just say that Freddy is not your average hero.

But, when one of the little old ladies at MMC dies, things take a complex turn. Caroline Cooney has again constructed a tightly woven plot with realistic details and fascinating characters. Reading about the intricacies of the care center is hard, but readers who have experienced first hand those centers will appreciate the care that the author has taken to get the details right. Sometimes, the details about glass blowing are enough to make you think the author must have her own art studio at some time! The mystery will carry readers along with Freddy and make an unforgettable journey. Prepare to lose some sleep because you will not want to put this book down!