Sunday, September 15, 2024

What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley



What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust  (A Flavia de Luce novel) by Alan Bradley. Bantam Books, 2024. Adult/YA mystery.

This is number eleven in the Flavia series. I really thought as I waited TWO months and was even the first one on the library's hold list...will this be worth it? I mean, those of us who have followed the English girl sleuth through thick and thin know a lot. Her mother is dead and was acknowledged by Churchill himself. Now Father is dead. The war is over. Feely is married and away on honeymoon. Daffy has her head  in a book. And, little precocious Cousin Undine has moved in to cause trouble. Only Dogger is around for wit and conversation. What else can possibly happen?

And, then, move over Nancy Drew. Step aside, Sherlock. NOTHING is as it seems. Dear Mrs. Mullet is accused of murder! What? The very woman who makes the family's meals and runs a tight ship! Let's just say, I polished this off in a couple of days. The wait was worth it all. Dear Readers, the game is afoot! Bring on Number 12!