Monday, July 29, 2013

The Outcasts by Kathleen Kent

The Outcasts: A Novel  The Outcasts: A Novel
                              by Kathleen Kent. Little, Brown. 10/2013

First, a disclaimer: I am not a Western novel reader. We lived over a dozen years in San Angelo, home of Elmer Kelton, and my two sons were each assigned to read a novel of his. The two we all read would not be on our top ten of anything! But, the man became The King of Westerns so we all know how that story ends! When a respected publisher at ALA in Chicago asked me to read this book and let her know my thoughts, I agreed.

My surprise is that I really liked this book. The characters are fleshed out and readers will want to keep reading to find out what happens to them all. The Dr. Tom and Deerling characters are a little reminiscent of Gus and Call in Lonesome Dove, but don't copy them. Lucinda is definitely not the stereotypical "hooker with a heart of gold" so it's interesting to find out her past and try to predict her future. And, who couldn't root for good ole Nate with those sweet letters back to his wife and daughter??

Living now in Houston, I found the Texas touches and descriptions real. Kent lives in Dallas and has done her research. The mosquitos, the humidity, the Lafitte legends do abound. I loved the localisms like on page 87: "Enough blue to patch a Dutchman's pants," she remembered her father saying, his description of a clearing sky. My favorite Western judgment is on page 45: "Constancy in men is like fidelity in women. Much to be desired, but seldom found."  I would have loved a map (maybe on the end papers of the real book?) to show West Texas, Austin, San Antonio, Harrisburg, Galveston, and New Orleans though. That's a LONG way to travel and many people can't fathom the distances across Texas.

What I liked best was that Kent tied up all the ends. We know what happens to everyone. While some meet violent ends that we wouldn't wish on anyone, others seem to deserve their fates. The ending is not cloying, but sweet in its own way. Overall, a fun and very different read!

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