Monday, September 8, 2014

Starry Night by Isabel Gillies

Starry Night Starry Night: A Novel by Isabel Gillies. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2014.
                             Young Adult, Fiction

While young adults may love this story of wealthy teens in New York City, some adults will quake at the sex and drug opportunities presented to the characters. The novel reads smoothly and builds slowly. Central to the first half of the story is the big opening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art that will be curated by the father of Wren, an artistic, smart teen. Wren's family and her friends are the players in the book. The teens are invited to the opening and what happens that night sets the stage for the rest of the tale. Wren thinks she has met the boy of her dreams.  Nolan, the heartthrob guy, is a little older, plays in a band, and may not be as wonderful as he seems. Her friend Farah thinks it's cool when a grown-up artist singles her out for his attention. Girls meet boys, boys breaks girls' hearts, life goes on...but this will be a book that teens will want to read!

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