Monday, March 27, 2017

Big Cat, little cat by Elisha Cooper. Children's picture book.

Title: Big Cat, Little Cat, Author: Elisha Cooper Big Cat, little cat by Elisha Cooper. Roaring Brook Press, 2017.
                           Children's picture book.

   In this charming black-and-white and beige picture book, Elisha Cooper tells of a  white cat who was all alone until a small black kitten joins it. The older cat shows the new kitten all the things that it needs to know. They live companionably until the black kitten is a full sized cat. Years went by until the older cat "had to go" and "he didn't come back." As Cooper puts it, "that was hard." It was hard for the family, too, until a small white kitten comes. The now grown black cat shows the new kitten the exact lessons that it was taught in the beginning of the book.

    Librarians and parents often search for books that help children understand the tough changes in life. Death and dying are among those topics.  While those exact words themselves are not used, the story is understood by readers. This life cycle exploration will comfort many children who experience the loss of a pet. Cooper's lovely, simple illustrations mimic all the things that real cats do. The easy-to-read narrative is sparse, but effective, with just the right tone. Starting over is not easy. Losing a friend is awful. In time, we can begin again.

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