Monday, March 18, 2019

Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly.

Stepsister Stepsister by  Jennifer Donnelly. Scholastic Press, June, 2019. YA fiction.

Have you ever wondered what happened after Cinderella married the handsome prince and rode off? Maybe you identified with the sarcastic and mean stepsisters?  Or, did you wonder about their cutting off their own toes to fit into the glass slipper? Well, Jennifer Donnelly has written this tale to set the story straight, Isabelle and Octavia, the stepsisters, have major roles in this fairy tale retelling. They realize how unfair they were to Ella. Isabelle, is the star of this version, and it is worthy of a major motion picture. Donnelly writes scenes that jump off the page with action, interesting plot developments, and new characters who fit right into the age old story. By the end, even Ella makes an appearance again, and readers may find they have new heroines who are smart, funny, brave, and compassionate. (Prepublication copy was basis for this review.)

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