Monday, January 11, 2021

Over the Shop by JonArno Lawson


Over the Shop by JonArno Lawson. Ilustrated by Qin Leng. Candlewick Press, 2021. Children's picture book. 

  This wordless (except for signs) picture book is full of visual details in ink and watercolor that paint pictures and tell a complicated story. A small girl and her grandparent run a neighborhood store in a city. They post a sign "Apartment for Rent" for the over-the-store space, but it has broken tile and cabinets, a bare, hanging light bulb, and is very shabby looking. Two pages of people walk by and look at the sign, but some even haughtily turn up their noses. When an enterprising young couple move in, they scrub and work and wave at the neighbor! Soon they have involved the little girl, helped spruce up the store itself, and the apartment even has flower boxes. The little girl, her grandparent, and the neighborhood cat have soon become a family that inspires the whole area.  

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