Monday, April 5, 2021

The Girls in the Stilt House by Kelly Mustian

  The Girls in the Stilt House by Kelly Mustian. Sourcebooks Landmark, 2021.  Adult fiction. Debut novel.

        This deeply atmospheric tale of two young women in the swampy Natchez Trace in the early 1920's has nothing to do with the typical Great Gatsby glamor of that era. Instead, Mustian provides a rich story of poverty and scrappy characters who must help each other in order to ensure their very survival. There are villains, Virgil and Frank, but it is the main characters of Ada and Matilda who carry the story and win readers' hearts. Ada finds herself pregnant and without her love, Jesse. Matilda has had her own share of sadness and knows a lot about babies. They make an unlikely pair as they share secrets and dream of better lives. Congratulations to Mustian on her debut novel as she truly expresses the despair, hopes, and struggles and makes the location almost a character, too. Readers will hope against hope that nothing tragic will happen, but rest assured, these girls are in capable hands with Kelly Mustian. 

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