Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Au Pair by Emma Rous

The Au Pair by Emma Rous. Berkley (an imprint of Penguin Random House), 2019. Adult fiction.

The tale is told in alternating voices by Laura, the au pair, and Seraphine, one of a set of twins born at Summerbourne, an estate on the coast of Norfolk, England. Laura comes to work for the family in 1991.  In 2017, after their father dies, Seraphine finds a photo taken on the day she was born that shows her mother holding only one baby. In the hours after the twins' births, Seraphine's mother had killed herself. Now their father has died. Who can answer the many questions Seraphine has now? 

Well plotted and with enough action to keep readers guessing, this mystery is a winner. Who's who and what's what keeps shifting as we root for Seraphine to find out the truth about her heritage and to plan her future.

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