Saturday, February 12, 2022

Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall

 Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall. Illustrated by Yas Imamura. Candlewick Press, 2022. Children's picture book.

During World War II, many Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and live in camps as prisoners. The author's grandparents met and married and had their first child while living in the Minidoka camp in Idaho. This lovely picture book does not dwell on the politics. It is the love story of Tama, a young woman who works in the library, and George, a young man who loves Tama more than he loves to read. Told in simple words, the story describes their situation: "Constant questions. Constant worries. Constant fear." Yet, there are miracles, too. Love is a miracle. Hope is a miracle. Being human brings oneness. "The miracle is in all of us." wrote Maggie's grandmother.

With all the the divisions in our world today, this is a reminder of the wonders that can happen, the loves we can find, the resilience we can nurture in ourselves and others. It is based on a true story about love and family. It was Maggie Todkuda-Hall's to tell and she has done it well. 

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