Monday, January 29, 2024


 The Heiress: A Novel by Rachel Hawkins. St. Martin's Press, 2023. Adult fiction. Mystery.

     Camden and his wife, Jules, live and work in Colorado until they must go to North Carolina to face Cam's family and the mysteries of his family. Cam was adopted by Ruby McTavish, a four times married heiress who is notorious for her wealth, her mansion, Ashby House, and for the time she disappeared for a year when she was four years old. The child was found living with the Darnell family, assumed to be Ruby, and returned to the McTavishes. 

      Fast forward again, Ruby has been dead for ten years. Cam has inherited everything, but wants nothing to do with it. His aunt and cousins are living in Ashby House. In letters from Ruby, fake articles from Southern Living, newspapers, hiking guides, and such, readers learn more about the history of the family and the area near Biltmore. Nothing is as it seems and the author manages to put together a twisty tale of people who really do not know each other. Questions abound. Who really is Cam? Why does Jules know so much? Are the cousins for them or against them? Did Ruby actually earn the nickname "Mrs. Killmore?"  Why does everyone in this book swear so much? Hollywood will certainly come calling to make a movie! 

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