Saturday, June 29, 2024

Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A.L. Sowards


 Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A.L. Sowards. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. Adult historical fiction.

I like historical fiction and picked up this ARC at a recent Texas Library Association conference. Have you ever read anything about the history of the Balkans?? This well written, fast paced novel tells the story of Konstantin and Suzana who have an arranged marriage. The classic story: her dowry for his royal treasury. Under the Ottoman oppression, the little area for which Konstantin is responsible is subject to the whims of the ruling sultan. Brigands, traitors, war, and danger lurk everywhere. But, the two newlyweds manage to learn about each other in good old fashioned love story fashion. With a sprinkling of Christianity, the two main characters manage to find love, hope, and family. Out in 2024, this is the first in THE BALKAN LEGENDS series. Beneath the Crescent Sky is due out in 2025. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Princess of Las Vegas by Chris Bohjalian


 The Princess of Las Vegas by Chris Bohjalian. Random House, Quaker Village Books, Large Print Edition, 2024. Adult fiction.

Crissy has parlayed her looks as a look-alike for Princess Diana into a stage show at the Buckingham Palace, a rather seedy venue that is definitely not on The Strip in Las Vegas. When her sister, Betsy, who also looks a lot like the other two women, and her newly adopted daughter, Marisa, move to Las Vegas, Crissy finds herself with old resentments and new problems. Not to mention that the book starts out with the murder of one of the owners of Buckingham Palace and is soon followed by another murder! It is great fun to read about the city and the novel includes some tidbits about its past. Marisa is a former foster child with computer smarts and sometimes knows more than the adults about reading people. Bohjalian has taken a unique concept and fleshed it out beautifully. Take a chance on this story!

Enchantee by Gita Trelease


 Enchantee, by Gita Trelease. Flatiron Books, 2019.
                                           All That Glitters, reissued 2021 as first in a series. 
                                          YA fiction. Fantasy. Historical Fiction. 

Set in the heady days of the French Revolution, this novel has history, magic, and memorable characters. Camille and her sister, Sophie, have struggled since the deaths of their parents. Camille uses the dark magic that her mother taught her, but warned her against using, to transform herself into a baroness. She plays cards at Versailles and meets some of history's greatest characters. But, when Sophie is in danger, she risks everything to save them both. With a love interest who flies the new balloons as a aeronaut and a dastardly marquis both wanting her, Camille must also make tough decisions about her future in a time when women had few choices. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Wildes: A Novel in Five Acts by Louis Bayard


 The Wildes: A Novel in Five Acts by Louis Bayard. Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2024. Adult fiction. 

     Most readers know of playwright Oscar Wilde's rather flamboyant life and difficulties that resulted in imprisonment. But, who knew he actually had a wife and two sons?  In this creative novel, the author begins in 1892 in a Norfolk house with the family, including his mother, Lady Wilde, and continues into later life. Lord Alfred Douglas shows up and family life falls apart.  Bayard fictionalizes  Wilde's court case and Constance's striving to make a somewhat normal life for her boys. The boys grow into men who serve England in WWI. Finally, there is a return to the Norfolk house and an imaginative look at what-might-have-been. The novel will certainly have readers who are interested in Wilde running for nonfiction information about these characters! 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Forever Witness by Edward Humes


 The Forever Witness:  How DNA and Genealogy Soled a Cold Case Double Murder by Edward Humes. Dutton, 2022. Nonfiction.

When a young couple disappeared in the Pacific Northwest in 1987, their case became a cold case. Their families thought no one would ever solve the murders. Years later, the case was even featured on tv's UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. This is the tale of how a dedicated detective and a forensic genealogist, among others over the years, worked together to piece together clues and DNA to find their man.

This is such complicated book! If you read true  crime, read it. If you are into genealogy, read it. If you are on a police force, read it. If you have already sent your DNA into one of the leading genealogy companies online, read it. It is hard to read in places: gruesome murders, almost forty years worth of DNA researching, and long courtroom testimonies. But, there is something here for anyone. The author is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and his meticulous research and gripping narrative are worth your time.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

One Perfect Couple: A Novel by Ruth Ware


 One Perfect Couple: A Novel by Ruth Ware. Scout Press, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, 2024. Thriller, mystery. 

Told in Lyla's first person voice, this is the story of Lyla and her boyfriend Nico who are chosen to be one of the couples on a proposed new tv show that will choose one perfect couple. All the couples will face challenges, but not the ones they expected on the pristine blue waters of the brand new resort in the Thailand area. They have had to turn in all electronics and the one radio on the island doesn't seem to work. The boat that brought them is gone. When a major storm hits, some villas are destroyed, others flooded. With no clear idea where they really are, no medical supplies, and little food and water, the group begins to suspect that one of their own is plotting against their rapidly diminishing little group.

Here I am with another Ruth Ware book after all. This one reads like the pattern in Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Thankfully, Ware is making the genre her own with fully developed characters, new setting, and up-to-date problems. If only multiple characters didn't all use the F word all the time! Maybe they should have brought a dictionary to the island with them to expand their vocabularies! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Force of Nature: A Novel of Rachel Carson by Ann E. Burg


 Force of Nature: A Novel of Rachel Carson by Ann E. Burg.  Art by Sophie Blackall. Scholastic Press, 2024. All ages.

In the 1950's, Rachel Carson became one of the most famous voices in the fight for clean air and water. A scientist and writer, Carson moved many to form groups of like minded people to help save the world from pollution, too many chemicals, and other practices that would shorten the lives of people, animals, and sea creatures.

This charming novel in free verse tells of the life of Rachel Carson. Small black and white illustrations show many of the insects, fish, birds, and plants she explored and researched. Her family and friends supported her work and encouraged Rachel to speak out. She died April 14, 1964. Her work continues.

While this book is perfect for children and young adults, it is also a good introduction for adults to the life and work of Rachel Carson.