Saturday, June 29, 2024

Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A.L. Sowards


 Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A.L. Sowards. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. Adult historical fiction.

I like historical fiction and picked up this ARC at a recent Texas Library Association conference. Have you ever read anything about the history of the Balkans?? This well written, fast paced novel tells the story of Konstantin and Suzana who have an arranged marriage. The classic story: her dowry for his royal treasury. Under the Ottoman oppression, the little area for which Konstantin is responsible is subject to the whims of the ruling sultan. Brigands, traitors, war, and danger lurk everywhere. But, the two newlyweds manage to learn about each other in good old fashioned love story fashion. With a sprinkling of Christianity, the two main characters manage to find love, hope, and family. Out in 2024, this is the first in THE BALKAN LEGENDS series. Beneath the Crescent Sky is due out in 2025. 

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