Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson

 Nothing to See Here Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson. HarperCollins, 2019. Adult fiction.

    Lillian and Madison knew each other from their elite prep school, but it's been years since they have seen each other. Now, Madison reaches out for Lillian's help. Since a scandal at the school caused Lillian to leave, her life seems to have gone nowhere. Beautiful and wealthy, Madison has done well it appears. When Lillian gets Madison's request for her to come be the caregiver for Madison's two stepchildren, it sounds interesting. Madison's husband has political aspirations and is about to become Secretary of State. Their mansion and little boy and life seem picture perfect. But, the stepchildren, Roland and Bessie, have their own problems. Their mother is dead. Their father doesn't know them and doesn't seem to want to know them. And, oh, yes, they have a big problem: they sometimes catch on fire. Can Lillian figure out how to keep these children cool and keep their condition secret from the outside world?  

    What makes a parent? Lillian discovers trust, love, and a fierce protectiveness for these children who so desperately need her. She finds that she needs them, too. Wilson is author of the family drama, The Family Fang, among other quirky novels. If you're looking for a book to get through the hot, humid summer, look no farther than the unusual stories he writes.

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