Monday, September 21, 2020

Trowbridge Road by Marcella Pixley


 Trowbridge Road by Marcella Pixley. Candlewick Press, 2020. YA

     When Ziggy Karlo's mother, Jenny, leaves him with Nana Jean, his life takes a turn for the better. He is safe and has food and Nana Jean is a fierce protector and a compassionate listener. But, it's neighbor June Bug Jordan who becomes his friend. And she needs a friend as much or more than Ziggy. June's father has died of AIDS in the days when no one really knew much about the disease. June's mother is full of grief and has so many mental health isssues that she can't even take care of herself, much less June Bug. It's summer and there's no school or school lunches and Uncle Toby, Dad's brother, only brings groceries once a week. Ziggy and June become the most unlikely friends. Slowly, details are given about each of their families and the two have to come to grips with new realities and work to forge better futures than pasts. 

     This novel is an incredible story of love and family. Some of the subject matter deals with more YA topics than typical children's novels, but SO many of our students face hard situations in their lives and need to have these characters show that there is hope in the world. Beautiful imaginative worlds can provide an escape from dire times, but communication with adults who can help with real things is important, too. Definitely fifth grade and up can handle the reading level. Characters are memorable and this book will show up again at award time. Do not miss it! 

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