Tuesday, June 29, 2021

In the Garden of Spite by Camilla Bruce


In the Garden of Spite: A Novel of The Black Widow of La Porte
 by Camilla Bruce. Berkley (an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC), 2021. Adult historical fiction. Biographical fiction.

After a traumatic situation in Norway, Litte Brynhild Storset moves to America to live with her older sister, Nellie. She changes her name to Bella and wants to start a new life. The entire novel tells what happens to Belle Gunness in Indiana. From city streets of Chicago to farms in the countryside, Bella focuses on herself. Murder, arson, greed, and anger fill this well written novel which is actually based on a real person. While the neighbors and even Nellie have their own suspicions about Bella, she seems to be able to avoid any convictions or firm evidence against her. Obviously, the happy life she dreamed about eludes her...or does it?

An author's note tells what is true and what has been added to make the novel move more smoothly. Details about life in Norway in the 1870's is fascinating and makes it easy to see why moving to America was a popular option. Readers who enjoy this novel may be interested in doing their own research to see photographs and read accounts of the real Belle Gunness.

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