Monday, June 28, 2021

The Evening and the Morning by Ken Follett


 The Evening and the Morning (The Prequel of The Pillars of the Earth) by Ken Follett. Viking, 2020. Adult historical fiction. 913 pages.

       Many people say that The Pillars of the Earth is their very favorite book. At last, Ken Follett has published a prequel to that book. No one will be disappointed. Barnes and Noble listed this novel as one of the best of 2020.  While it is not necessary to read the Kingsbridge trilogy first, read them in order if you have not read any of them. The Pillars of the Earth, World Without End, and A Column of Fire will smoothly follow this medieval adventure. 

      The story begins in 997 and ends in 1007 in England. Three interwoven tales feature Edgar, a smart young man who is good with building things; Ragna, a beautiful aristocrat from Normandy, and Aldred, a religious cleric who longs to build a great library and center of learning and worship. Follett is a master at writing and certainly has done his research about the times, but it is the realistic and appealing characters who make his stories shine. 

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