Saturday, July 2, 2022

Flying Solo: A Novel


 Flying Solo: A Novel by Linda Holmes. Ballantine Books (an imprint of Random House), 2022.  Adult Fiction. 

Linda Holmes revisits the small town of Calcasset, Maine in this tale about journalist Laurie Sassalyn who returns to her hometown to clean out the house of now deceased Great Aunt Dot. Laurie's best friend, June, and her former boyfriend, Nick, provide instant familiarity with the town again. Laurie grew up there, but moved to Seattle to escape complications of life. She has just called off her own wedding in Seattle and is facing being forty and alone. Laurie finds a hand carved wood duck and thus ensues a quest to learn if it's valuable, who made it, and why it is partially hidden at Dot's house. As town librarian, Nick is helpful in finding information, but readers can tell that it's Laurie he is interested in! A fun follow-up to Evvie Drake Starts Over, this book does stand alone. 

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