Sunday, July 31, 2022

Three Things About Elsie: A Novel by Jo Anna Cannon.


Three Things About Elsie: A Novel by Jo Anna Cannon. Scribner, 2018. 370 pages, 49 chapters.

   Life at the Cherry Tree Home for the Elderly is not as simple as one might imagine. Florence Claybourne, 84, has fallen and relives her past as she waits to be rescued. So many things Florence can't remember clearly, but when Ronnie Butler has shown up recently, Florence recognizes him at once. But, Ronnie Butler drowned in 1953.

   Florence does well with three things at a time. Like Elsie is her best friend. And, Elsie knows what to say to make Florence feel better. And, the third thing, well, that's complicated.

   The book moves slowly, but surely...sort of like Florence's mind. The changing of the season, the unexpected kindnesses of others, even a trip to an ocean front holiday town, provide clues to Florence's life. A music store remembered, an ammonite fossil found, and new friends made all contribute to an extraordinary life indeed. 

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